Improving the game

Poker combinations

Why do you need to know poker hands? Mainly to see winning positions easily. You will be able to learn to understand not only the usual combinations, but also using the flop, turn, river.

There are many videos on the Internet that describe how poker combinations of the most common type should look like. In the article, we will describe in detail all the possibilities of real winning.

Who can win at Texas Hold'em?

We will consider what are possible to win, how to behave if there are equivalent situations. So, we will talk about:

  • Royal flush. Cards from "ace" to "ten", for example, suit "of spades". It is important to note that there is no higher suit in poker, they are of equal importance. The given combination is the most winning one. In the case of a royal flush, several players have on hand, which is almost impossible, then the bank must be divided between the winners;
  • Flash Street. In this case, you need to collect in a row, for example, from "king" to "nine". It is possible to "jack" and so on. The one who has the highest value of the highest card wins, for example, one up to jack, and the other up to queen, then the second option wins;
  • Caret. It is worth recalling that it is the five cards that should be in hand, so having, for example, four "nines" and one more of any value, this combination is called "four of a kind". If another player also has four types of the same rank, then the one with the higher one wins, for example, "nine" will beat "eight";
  • House-full is determined by three and two of the same rank. There may be three tens and two fives. This is house full. If the other player has a higher rank of three, then he wins. If they match, the winner is determined by whoever has the most significant pair;
  • A flush that makes up five consecutive cards, for example, spades. The winner is the one, if several players have the same situation, who has a higher senior value, if they are equal, then they look at the next rank, the third, and so on;
  • Straight - combinations when there are five consecutive values, while the suit is different. For example, we have from "lady" to "eight", they are all different in color. But if instead of "jack" is "poker", it turns out that this combination loses. In the case when we have "poker" in our hands, as well as the four highest ranks, then we win;
  • Three or a set, when we get, for example, three "fives" and two others of any meaning. In the presence of three of the same rank, several players become the winner with a higher rank, for example, our “fives” will lose to “sixes”, and those to “eights”. If both players have three "tens", for example, then the one with the higher rank of the disconnected card wins, if they are the same, then the other card;
  • Two pairs, in this case there should be two cards of the same rank and one any. When there is a tie, the one with the highest rank wins. If they are equal, then they look at the significance of the second pair. Are they also equal? Consider what the disconnected map is. For example, we have two “kings” and two “sixes”, the fifth card is “three”, we will be beaten by a pair of two “aces”;
  • A pair, in this case, wins with a pair above, even when several players have a pair of the same, and the other three are disconnected. But if the pairs are equal, then it wins with a non-connected card above;
  • The highest card, that is, when the hands are all different, but the one who has a higher rank wins, in particular, "ace" or "poker".

As we have seen, play requires focus and attention. Therefore, when playing, make sure that nothing distracts you. Training is also important and, of course, the intuition that will come with time.
